On Thursday November 14, Strawbridge will be on campus to take Holiday Photos. These photos are prepaid. Orders can be placed at www.strawbridge.net using CODE: FM461007
El jueves el 14 de noviembre, Strawbridge estará en el campus para tomar fotografías navideñas. Estas fotos son prepago. Los pedidos se pueden realizar en www.strawbridge.net utilizando el CÓDIGO: FM461007. Para obtener más información sobre los paquetes utilice este enlace.
REMINDER: The CCISD application for Gifted and Talented Program opened on September 3 and will remain open until Dec 10th. See the attached flyer to initiate an application for grades 1-11. Kinder students from CCISD will automatically be tested. Kinder students frmo outside CCISD can apply for testing as well.
CCISD Announces the opening of the application for Gifted and Talented Testing. See flyers for deadlines and additional details.
We look forward to welcoming our families to Open House on Thursday September 5, 2024.
The September Cafeteria Menu for Breakfast and Lunch is available.
Mireles September Calendars https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w0FAI_lNganfvEqeA7P_Vj7PyHx7sEyvcg4I2FkD5Mg/edit?usp=sharing
Dine with a Mariner returns for the 2024-25 School Year.
Thanks to the Community Eligibility Program, students within Corpus Christi ISD will continue to receive a free breakfast and lunch meal. If your child would like to purchase extra items a la carte, please use the School Cafe App for easy payments.
La inscripción para estudiantes que regresan comienza el 22 de julio. Consulte el archivo adjunto para obtener información adicional. Llame a la escuela al 361-878-0120 si tiene preguntas adicionales.
Registration for Returning Students begins on July 22. See attachment for additional information. Call the school at 361-878-0120 for any additional questions.
La inscripción para nuevos estudiantes en Mireles está programada para el lunes 29 de julio de 8:00 a 12:00 (Pre-K) y el martes 30 de julio de 8:00 a 12:00 (Kinder-Quinto). Consulte el folleto para obtener más detalles. Llame al 361-878-0120 si tiene preguntas adicionales.
Registration for New Students at Mireles scheduled for Monday July 29 8:00-12:00 (Pre-K) and Tuesday July 30 8:00-12:00 (Kinder-Fifth). See flyer for details. Call 361-878-0120 for additional questions.
Mireles 2024-25 Student Dress Code
Mireles Código de Vestimenta Estudiantil 2024-2025 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m-PwlgX2r4yToqY1OwUuJ1hw8dtxfxCiAbnJDlU0aJA/edit?usp=sharing
We can't wait to welcome our Mariners back for the 2024-2025 school year! Here are the CCISD School Supplies List, CCISD Backpack Requirements, and the CCISD School Calendar for the 2024-25 School Year.
¡Estamos ansiosos por darle la bienvenida a nuestros Marineros para el año escolar 2024-2025! Aquí están la lista de útiles escolares de CCISD, los requisitos de mochilas de CCISD y el calendario escolar de CCISD para el año escolar 2024-25.
Join us at the CCISD Job Fair. Many schools and departments are still hiring. We are seeking the right 5th grade teacher to join our team.
Mariner Families, The United Way of the Coastal Bend is offering a Read to Lead Preschool Camp on June 26 and/or June 27. For more information, see the attached invitation. Pre-register at uwcb.org/sb6-read
Familias Marineras, The United Way of the Coastal Bend está ofreciendo un campamento preescolar Read to Lead el 26 y/o 27 de junio. Para obtener más información, consulte la invitación adjunta. Preinscríbase en uwcb.org/sb6-read
Looking forward to a great last week of school with our Mariners.
Esperando con ansias una gran última semana de clases con nuestros Marineros.
Estamos muy orgullosos de que nuestros Marineros hayan obtenido la designación de Escuela Nacional de Exhibición "Capturing Kids Hearts" por tercer año consecutivo. ¡Así se hace, Marineros! #CCISDproud #MirelesMariners #CapturingKidsHearts
So proud that our Mariners have earned the Capturing Kids Hearts National Showcase School designation for the 3rd year in a row. Way to go Mariners! #CCISDproud #MirelesMariners #CapturingKidsHearts
Not all heroes wear capes. Some wear aprons. Join us in celebrating our School Lunch Heroes this Friday!
No todos los héroes usan capa. Algunos usan delantales. ¡Únase a nosotros para celebrar a nuestros héroes del almuerzo escolar este viernes!